A white background with a few lines on it
The logo for the stewards of children is green and white

Stewards of Children, administered by Darkness to Light, is a child sexual abuse prevention training program. Hope Haven's Lorraine Werner, Debra Foster, and Isabelle Hall are authorized facilitators qualified to train community members to recognize and prevent child sexual abuse. 


The fundamentals of training under the Stewards of Children is appropriate not only for organizations which serve children directly, but for individuals and businesses who want to respond to the epidemic nature of this problem. 


Training sessions are free of charge and offered monthly or upon request at the Hope Haven office. Please call 228-466-6395 or email to register for a class.


What To Expect From Stewards of Children Training

During the two hour training course, the class facilitator will lead you through thoughtful group discussions, an interactive workbook activity, and a moving video where you will hear from parents, experts, and adult survivors of sexual abuse.

By the end of the course, you will have the necessary knowledge and skills to spot the signs of child sexual abuse and how to take the proper action steps to protect children in our local community. 

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