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2020 "Be a Hero" Poster Contest

December 2, 2020

Hope Haven Children's Advocacy Center has named the winners of its 2020 "Be a Hero"; poster contest hosted for North Bay Elementary School students.


The winners are fifth graders Deja Burge, Emma Snowden and Isaiah Hoyer

and fourth grader Brandyn Williams.


Hope Haven Children's Advocacy Center provides essential services for

children who have been abused and neglected in Hancock and Pearl River



"This contest was not only a chance for a fun activity, but also a door for

important conversations with the students about safety, courage, bullying,

kindness and helping others,” said, Isabelle Hall, Hope Haven outreach 

 specialist. Hope Haven asked the students to create a poster showing what

it means to be a hero. The winners chosen displayed not only traditional

"hero" characteristics such as bravery, but also kindness, empathy, and

selflessness, Hall said.


"Not all heroes wear capes,” said student Emma Snowden. “Some of

my biggest heroes are doctors and veterans because they save and

help the rest of us" 


Brandyn Williams said, “If I'm in danger, I need someone to help. If other people need help, I can be the hero. It's my responsibility to be a hero. I might be the only one that people are counting on.” 


The students’ winning artwork will be displayed on the Hope Haven 2020 Holiday Card, showing the bravery and resilience of children. 


Hope Haven thanks Dolce Bakeshop, Sonic, Pop Brothers, Papa Johns,

McDonalds, Dominos, and Rollie Pollie for their prize pack sponsorship.

Help support the brave children served at Hope Haven. Click the "donate" tab above to be a hero too! 

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